
Friday, January 21, 2011

Flowers for your Friday

Yay! It's almost the weekend! Just a quick note for now, as I'm in the middle of a very busy day with my rather exuberant grade ones... {thank goodness for lunch hour and the relative calm of the staff room}. It's been a bit of a crazy morning, and the afternoon will be just as full, with book exchange, centre time {ooh, they love that Lego center} and a pottery class {how cool is that? we have an artist in residence this month, and the kids are loving it! today we're glazing last week's creations}

We're off tonight to the school's Family Dance, where rumour has it there will be loud music {please God, not the chicken dance...}, potato chips and glow sticks! Needless to say, there is much excitement in the air. As for Saturday and Sunday, nothing big planned just yet. Some relaxing and lounging about sound awfully good to me though.

What are you up to tonight? And do you have any fantastic plans for the weekend?


  1. Unfortunately I'll be out from 8am to 6pm tomorrow in the 30 degree weather on a field trip..... Hopefully sunday will be filled with food and a good book!

  2. Tonight I went to my staff dinner. Lots of good food (you could make & grill your own shish-kebabs!) & good conversation with my colleagues en anglais... yay!

    No big plans this weekend. It's supposed to be sunny but cold. I think I'll hit the outdoor market tomorrow morning. It's just a couple streets away from chez nous, yet I rarely go. Silly girl! Otherwise, a (very) brisk walk by the lake, a lot of tea & perhaps a trip to the cinéma are in order.

    Have fun on the dance floor!


  3. Hope you had fun shaking your thing to the funky music!! Oh I bet your boys got giddy! Nice to see you are hoping for a relaxing weekend, hopefully so you can recuperate a little perhaps?

    I spent Friday night with Phil in Australia Relocating! This weekend is another quiet one, where today I am determined to catch up with all I missed online this week.

  4. i love that your school has an artist in residence! that's my biggest issue with the little schools i went to growing up - no art! i would have been elated if i got to make pottery things as a child. i hope your family dance went well and you've a great weekend so far! my weekend has been pretty quiet, just the way i wanted it.


Yay! I love comments.


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