
Monday, January 03, 2011

Back to work in the morning

It's time for me to go to bed! It's the first day of school of 2011 tomorrow, and I am not in the habit of getting up early, getting dressed and getting out the door before 7:30... I think it might take a few days of practice to remember what that's like! It's been lovely to lounge in pajamas until noon, and I've been doing it regularly for the past week or so. Anyway, the bags are packed for school tomorrow, the lunches are made, the laundry done. I've taken down most of the decorations, vacuumed the bedrooms, made my meal list for the week. I've even set the table for breakfast! I hope it will all add up to a cool, calm morning and that there'll be no mad rush to make it out the door on time. Wish us luck!

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about my goals for 2011. There are going to be a lot of them. But don't worry. I can handle it. In fact, I'm kind of excited about the whole thing. Maybe goal #1 will involve getting more sleep? Probably a good idea.

I guess that's my cue.


  1. good luck getting the boys back to school tomorrow! I can only imagine... :) but you're like super mom so I have faith it will all go smoothly!

    one of my goals for 2011 should definitely be getting more sleep... and yet I'm here catching up on blogs at 12:17 a.m. ... and I have a bit of work to do too. see, that's why I can't really make getting more sleep a resolution! ha!

    hope you have a wonderful Tuesday! xoxo.

  2. have a great first day back at school!

    i am nervous to get back to work after my vacation. i still have just under two weeks to go! i made sleep a priority in 2010 and i have to say it made such a difference in my life. i had more energy to work out and for restoration after a workout in my sleep. i feel stronger. my concentration also improved and i found out that i don't need more sleep i just need better sleep. i hope you can make it work for you :)

  3. Hope all goes well for you at school today. I too am trying to get back into the swing of things. Today is my first official day of classes and it's a LONG one -- 9:30am to 5pm with only 3 10-minute breaks. I wish Glee were on tonight...I'll be in some serious need of something so fun.

  4. It's always hard to get back into the swing of things after a lot of time off! I hope your first day back goes well :)

  5. At University we still have a half a week before we go back but I need to start setting my alarm to get up a little earlier. It's going to be hard to get back into the 8ams!

    Have a great day back at school and I'm looking forward to hearing about your goals (I need to come up with some still).

  6. Hope it all went smoothly and you started your new term cool, calm and collected.

    Look forward to hearing about your goals for the year ahead and love that image you used, it makes me think of a last stand against packing away all the twinkle lights!


  7. Ahh going back to work and school. I hope that went well. It sounds like you are on the right track and I do look forward to reading your goals for the year.

    And I do hope you get more sleep ;)

  8. wow, you sound pretty prepared, even if not mentally. i hope you've had a fantastic couple of days back in the real world. and i can't wait to read about your goals!


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