
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just a minute in June

Me in my classroom this morning

Hello there, lovely friends. It's pretty late on Tuesday night and I've got school in the morning, so will keep this quick. I haven't done one of these posts in forever, so thought it would be fun, and a quick way to bring you up to date on what's going on around here. Ready? Here we go!

These days...
I'm wearing capri pants, skirts, bright colours, pretty scarves, sandals...

I'm eating pretty healthy. Trying to get lots of fruit and veg each day. Bring on the watermelon!

I'm drinking tea, iced tea, water. It's been 3 months now since I gave up diet Coke. Haven't had a sip.

I'm thinking how fabulous it's going to be when our bathroom reno is done. Aaaah...

I'm listening to the brand new She & Him cd. Love those two!

I'm reading stacks of trashy novels {well, not really trashy, but definitely light... call it chick lit if you must}

I'm writing report cards. I swear I'm going to finish them before the weekend if it kills me!

I'm planning lots of fun, year-end stuff with my class. We're picnicking with my friend Shannon's class tomorrow, and earning points for a last day of school ice cream sundae party.

I'm loving how excited Sawyer's getting about his birthday party at the end of the month. Better get working on that cake and pinata now...

I'm amazed by just how good the boys have gotten at speaking French! Em would be so proud.

I'm looking forward to our summer holiday in Sorrento. We leave 6 weeks from Friday! Ooh, or is it 5?

I'm ready for bed. Good-night!

Sweet dreams...
E xo


  1. Love, love, love this post! It is indeed these kind which make me miss blogging!
    So lovely to have a little catch up so neatly and exciting Summer ahead, can't wait to hear what shape piñata and cake Sawyer has requested.

  2. allhelp4u
    you can get here many thinks for your help.

  3. Absolutely love this gorgeous photograph of you. How's the bathroom reno going? Almost there??


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