
Monday, October 24, 2011

Scenes from the weekend

Our weekend was full. Again, we got quite a lot done {the library has been cleared out and we are continuing to organize and rearrange things within the house... I wish the "work-in-progress" were a "project now complete" but small steps, right?} and made time to have some fun, too. The weather was beautiful, after a very rainy start on Saturday morning. Sunday was the most perfect fall day in Victoria. Take a look at that blue sky and those gorgeous leaves!

 Alan in our lovely front yard

 Dylan and Isabel go for a ride at Oldfield Orchard

 ... while Sawyer follows behind! All of the animals were pulled by a big red tractor.

 Dylan in action at the pumpkin bowling booth

 Sawyer knocked down all the pins and won a pumpkin! 

 Oh dear

 Taking a break on a bale of hay

 King of the castle

 Sawyer and Kilian in search of the perfect pumpkin

 Beautiful farmland on the Saanich peninsula

Sunday night at the movies with my friend Charlotte {we loved The Help... and bawled our eyes out}

How was your weekend? Did you come home with 6 pumpkins like we did?


  1. No pumpkins over here, but love the pumpkin bowling!

  2. Looks like you had another wonderful weekend:)

  3. Oh it looks like you had a really fun weekend! You always look like you have lovely family filled weekends. So glad you liked The Help, I hope I get to see it soon.

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you went to see The Help! It is one of the best book-turned-movies I've ever seen. They did such a great job!


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