
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scenes from the weekend {Thanksgiving edition}

Had a lovely long weekend. Dinner out with my sister on Friday night, time spent outdoors in the garden on Saturday, a fabulous backyard Thanksgiving dinner at my parents' place on Sunday {Auntie Pat rented a cotton candy machine!} and a rainy day at home on Monday {in which I phoned and skyped to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" with a few of my favourite friends}. What a weekend. We ate, we played, we laughed, we worked, and then we ate some more! What is it about this time of year that makes me crave pumpkin and cinnamon? I seriously can't get enough of the stuff.

 Girls' night out

 Shopping for spring bulbs

 Pumpkins at Grandma & Grandpa's house

 Watching the cotton candy machine at work!

 Cousins, hanging out on a bale of hay

 Mom's kitchen table

 Cotton candy!

 Apple cupcakes!

French immersion Thanksgiving artwork

 Making stuffing {the cranberries are from our garden}

 Pumpkin tarts, ready to go into the oven

 Yard work and rosy cheeks

Pumpkins on the doorstep

I'm feeling very thankful for all the wonderful things in my life, long weekends included. You?


  1. What a lovely warm Autumn post. Those pumpkins look like garden show exhibits they are so perfect.
    Glad you had a great weekend. x

  2. Your weekend sounds so wonderful! Is that your sister in the photo? You both look so gorgeous. That cupcake looks delicious. I have a bit of a thing for cupcakes at the moment.
    Had a wonderful time in the States, hope I can make it to the States next time :-)

  3. It looks like such a fabulous weekend. We call cotton candy fairy floss and I just love that stuff. How awesome that you had a machine!

    It looks like a fun day for all. x

  4. Looks really, really lovely.
    {Love} the photo of you and your sis ... Sawyer's happy face "sniffing" those unbaked tarts is priceless.

    We had a family of four over ... Sam did the meal ... I made 2 pumpkin pies so we'd have leftovers FOR US and we are loving these leftovers!!!

  5. what a super cool cupcake! I need to buy my annual pumpkin.

  6. how fun! this has made me all excited for the US thanksgiving next month. i love that's a day devoted to gratitude and food. really, what could be better?! :)

  7. Gorgeous sisters, gorgeous pumpkins, gorgeous little boys, & gorgeous Thanksgiving goodies (those beautiful apple cupcakes are impressive... made by your sister-in-law?)

    Looks like you had a wonderful holiday weekend. So glad. XOXO!

  8. I've never had a pumpkin tart before but I know I'd love them :)

    And that apple cupcake is adorable!

  9. this whole post warmed my heart! (that photo with the cotton candy might just be my favorite-- the fluffy good stuff is nearly as big as Sawyer! :) lol adorable)

    j'adore the apple cupcakes -- though the stuffing has my stomach growling.

    what a cozy thanksgiving indeed! x

  10. Okay, I am SO late (please forgive me!) but it looks like you had one good Thanksgiving weekend! I'm looking forward to ours that much more! There will definitely be pumpkin baked goods involved. And maybe a whole pumpkin soup too.


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