
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

E & me {school zone}

It's back-to-school week on E & me!

Crossing guards everywhere are back at work, keeping school kids safe as they take to the sidewalks and head to class this fall. So... we thought we'd take a snapshot of the school zone signs in Em's part of the world and mine, and compare them.

They're quite similar, non? Though the French kids seem to have forgotten their bags and they look to be running a bit late!

No point asking you to guess which is which. The English writing on mine gives it away. 

Oh, and that pick-up truck? It's très Canadian, too!


  1. I always think it's funny that in Canada and the US, the school crossing signs look so...grown up? The figures are so rigid and tall! I think I favor the French sign, those kiddies look a little more playful! But yes, they are sans backpack.

    Perhaps North America and the French can work together to blend both these signs--the cute bookbags of our signs, and the stature and sweetness of the French signs.

    I'm sure our governments will get right on that. ;)

  2. Have to agree with Bethany at just how sensible your sign children are over the French ones and indeed over the ones we have here in England too. Ours are running and I think they are without bags also? I will have to have a look when I pass a school today.

  3. oh, speaking of back to school, have you seen this: . it's such a super cute back to school idea and i thought of you when i read it.

  4. Very cute. I have to say, the French sign is charming.


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