
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Take me back to the beach

Remember that feeling of relaxation and calm I was so keen to hang onto when I got home from vacation on Sunday night? Well it lingered until early Monday afternoon... and then all sorts of preschool drama ensued and the president {that's me} was left to deal with all of it. There was an important paper to find, photocopy and send off in the mail {or risk losing our government funding}, and a vacant ECE assistant position to try to fill yet again. Calm and relaxed I was not! Add to that a super windy, grey day, two cooped-up kids, and stacks of unpacking and laundry to cope with, and I was just about ready to tear my hair out. It's all been taken care of now {except for a few loads of laundry} but I must confess it had me longing to be back at Sorrento. Back on the beach...

 Dylan, it turns out, is a total waterbaby. He was in the lake pretty much all the time, and loved it.

 Sawyer was pretty keen, too, though he was equally as taken with spending time on the sand.

The boys loved playing with their cousins, on the sand and in the water.

 Touching the waves.

 Cheap beach toys are a wise investment.

 All this beach time is wearing me out. I think I'll take a nap...

 Got you!

 Dylan was so thrilled that he got to spend a morning at the beach with his daycamp class. He quickly learned to make his way out to the floating dock. 

 Evelyn leaps off the dock as the boys look on in admiration.

 Sunscreen shirts = best invention ever!

My sis and I, soaking up the sun.

 Our feet enjoyed themselves too!

 We bought super soakers for the trip. They were put to good use, regularly!

Amanda and her niece, Fiona, happy to be at the beach.

Building sand castles.

I know this post was seriously photo-heavy, but I couldn't help myself! I can hardly believe that most of these were taken less than a week ago. How quickly reality seeps back in!

Do you have a favourite beach to hang out at in the summertime?


  1. Aw I am so sorry you've been having a lot of stress! Maybe take like 5 minutes, lay down on the floor in corpse pose [yoga term] with your favorite soothing song and imagine the days at the lake, or white clouds floating by [that's what I do!] and you may feel a bit more relaxed!

    PS Congrats on being President!

  2. I don't know how you do it, Erin! Before I become preggers (not happening soon!), I think I need to hang out with you for a few hours to see how a day in the life actually unfolds as a teacher/mom/superwoman.

  3. Oh yes! While I'm at the beach right now I know it will be over all too quickly. Reality has some way of knocking you back into it quickly. My favorite beach actually is not the outerbanks (in North Carolina) but Bethany Beach (in Delaware). I think most people's favorite is based somewhat on how/where they grew up as it is with me. Bethany Beach is fairly crowded but I go to a camp while I'm there so there is a lot of bonding and spirituality included. :)

    Sorry you're missing the beach!


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