
Monday, April 19, 2010

Much Love Monday

awesome LOST valentine via here

It's Monday morning again and the start of another week. Today, I'm loving a few things:
  • the news we received this morning that our new baby nephew in Ireland has arrived! Welcome, wee Joseph!
  • the fact that I can now run for 17 minutes straight (seventeen, people! who'd have thought?) and then do it again after a minute or two of walking
  • my lilac bushes are blooming and they smell so good
  • the long, light evenings
  • watching the birds flock to the feeders that the boys and I filled with seed on the weekend
  • looking forward to LOST tomorrow night... whatever will I do when it's over?

Hope you're all having a lovely Monday. Link up to Anna's blog and join in if you like. I always like to hear what fills your heart with joy!


  1. A new Irish baby...that is a wonderful thing :)

  2. Lost is getting CRAZY! I just watched last week's episode last night since Jason had been out of town. I can't believe there are only a handful of episodes left!

    Yay for you and your running! That's seventeen minutes longer than me :)

  3. I am loving your Monday list Erin! And your list of why you love lists on my post too! Hee hee.

    Hope your Monday continues to be a great one.


  4. Welcome to the world, Joseph! Hehe. What a lovely Monday list. And running for 17 minutes straight is no easy feat! Well done, Erin. I really enjoy running as well. Am taking part in a mini-marathon in June.

    Hope this comment finds you well! x

  5. I'm coming to smell your lilacs. Do you think they'll still be blooming in June?

    That LOST Valentine made me laugh.


Yay! I love comments.


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