
Monday, February 08, 2010

Valentine fun

If you're at all like me (and I know you are!), you love Jane Austen. And if you love Jane Austen, you no doubt adore Mr. Darcy. Do you love tea towels, too? I do (even though mine get ruined on a regular basis by grubby little fingers). Well, how about mixing it up, merging the best of both? Look at this fab Pride and Prejudice linen! If I had a Darcy-inspired tea towel, it would be for decorative purposes only. No wiping up of chocolate milk spills allowed. Just reading of quotes and sighing dreamily...


  1. I love Pride and Prejudice so much, the BBC series is my favourite. The tea towels are a great idea.

  2. I am one of those strange creatures - an English major that does not like Jane Austen (shock!). However, I love that tea towel. It is just so cute :)

    (clarification - I like most movies that have been made out of her books, but do not like her books - is that weird?)

  3. I just got caught up with your blog and all I can say is - It's So Lovely! After reading it I always smile and feel like the world is an okay place after all. :)

  4. Yes, I do love Jane Austen. I have never read any of the books, but I love the movies. I have a cup from this same shop.

  5. i would want to put that in a frame, because our tea towels are always so gross! i love mr. darcy... but not as much as i love mr. bennet. is that wrong?? he just is so laid back (okay, a bit of a push over) and has the sneakiest wit ever.

  6. Best part of the book AND movie! Le sigh..
    Love your blog!

    Xo. Emily

  7. Thank you so much for sharing the tea towel! I found it on ETSY... super neat!

  8. the perfect combo of your two great loves ;)

    the etsy where this lovely towel comes from is one of my faves. Most recently i bought the mug that said, "there's nothing like staying at home for real comfort" as a Christmas gift to my Mom, to remind her that comfort will always be her home to me.

    this towel is PERFECT for you.


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