The boys were excited to stand on the (fake) medal podium and hold the torch at the mall last night. They had their photo taken and then we retrieved it from the website this morning. I thought they would have used some computer magic to make it look like there was a flame on there, but no such luck! Cute though, huh? In an "I don't actually endorse the ridiculous amount of money that's been spent on bringing the games to BC but I still think it's sort of exciting" kind of way...
PS: The girl taking the photos was so done. I think she'd been there for 8 hours, and there were a lot of kids getting their pictures taken, it being the evening of the Santa Claus parade and all. She didn't even manage to get the podium in the shot! (and I had to crop out all the Bell-related advertising that she did manage to get in...)
cute, but where are the parade pics???