
Monday, October 26, 2009


Yesterday we were surprised (and thrilled, actually!) to discover a bucket of Hallowe'en treats on our door step when we arrived home. The bucket looked like a jack o'lantern, but it was wearing a black cat mask. There was a note attached that read:
Am I a jack or a cat that has come to say "boo!"
All dressed up with treats for you?
Please fill me up with treats galore,
Then take me to your friend's front door.
Sit me down, then push the bell.
Run real quick so no one can tell!
As I move from friend to friend
Good Hallowe'en wishes never end.

Pretty cool, huh? We have no idea who it's from, although Amanda has confessed to having given our address to somebody (she refuses to say whom!) I bet a pumpkin spice latte will get her talking...

Dylan in disguise!

The boys had so much fun going through the goodies, and we are excited to be passing the bucket on to an unsuspecting friend in the next few days, all filled up with treats we've picked out and crafts we've made. So much fun! If you're reading this, dear "Boo-er"... thank you! And Happy Hallowe'en!

Boo update: Mystery solved!!! Merci, Erin and Eden!

PS: Want to know more about starting the "boo" in your neighbourhood? Check out all the deets here.


  1. Think, Erin, think! Who could it be? Where did you first hear about 'boo-ing'? Who else may have seen it there? You're not suppose to know but surely you could solve this Halloween Riddle!

  2. Where are these pumpkin lattes? I'm not saying I'll spill, but I want those lattes!

  3. Ah...was wondering when you would check our blog! I am glad to hear that you and the boys enjoyed the Hallowe'en surprise! I thought your family would be the perfect family to "BOOO". I wished you could have seen Eden as she sneeked up to the house, rang the door bell and screamed as we ran away!!!
    Happy Hallowe'en


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