
Monday, October 13, 2008

Gobble, gobble, gobble!

As I type this, it is absolutely pouring rain, and I'm wondering just how much fun we're all going to have at my mom's first annual outdoor Thanksgiving dinner extravaganza this afternoon?! There are soooo many of us now (today's guest list has hit 21) that dinner in the rec room just isn't feasible anymore. So the plan is to shake things up a bit, to move from the traditional sit-down dinner to a new tradition: turkey soup and sandwiches in the garden, complete with bonfire and (turkey) hot dog roast, mugs of steaming hot chocolate, and pumpkin pie on paper plates. When we dreamed up this idea, we were picturing a crisp autumn day, blue sky above and piles of crunchy leaves all around. The reality? I imagine we'll all be huddled under the tarp, 
trying our hardest to feel thankful! We'll see what happens, and I'll keep you posted. As it stands right now, the dressy Thanksgiving outfits I picked out for the boys are getting traded in for gumboots (aka wellies) and raincoats! Oh dear...

That being said, I've got a lot to be thankful for: my lovely family and friends, two amazing, clever, adorable little boys, a comfortable home, a job that I love, and a delicious (albeit wet) Thanksgiving dinner to look forward to. Who could ask for more?

Cheers to you all! And Happy Thanksgiving...
love Erin x

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