
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The 5th Annual Dolce Vita Christmas Ornament Swap {Pughs' News edition}

Four years ago this November, I stumbled across a lovely little blog, Dolce Vita. Its author, Micaela, was hosting a Christmas ornament swap, and {festive girl that I am} I signed up straight away. I'm so, so glad that I did. Micaela partnered herself with me, and we became fast friends from the minute her sweet parcel arrived in my mailbox. We began to write to one another regularly, and every Christmas since, we've enjoyed the tradition of sending each other pretty tree ornaments. It's something I look forward to every year {and now I can say that I look forward to texts and FaceTime sessions, too! hooray for my fabulous iPhone and wonderful blogging friends!}

This year, Micaela will be welcoming her second little girl, a Christmastime baby who'll be called Noel {isn't the name just perfect?} M will be busy being a new mama all over again this December, so she asked me to take over the organization of the 2013 swap. I am thrilled to be able to help, and hope that I can do as good a job as she's been doing since 2009.

Ready? To join, here's what you need to do:

* Email me, erinbyrne{at} and use the subject heading ORNAMENT SWAP

* Include your first and last name, email address, mailing address and blog link. {if you haven't got a blog, include your Instagram or Etsy shop link} Please let me know if you'd be willing to be partnered with someone overseas.

* You can join any time between now and next Tuesday, Nov. 12th. I'll email you your partner's details by Monday, Nov. 18th and you'll have until Friday, Nov. 29th to find the perfect ornament and post it.

* Ornaments can be vintage {my favourite!}, store-bought or handmade and should be approx. $10 in value. Please do learn a little about your partner {follow those blog links!} and her preferences/style so that you can find an ornament just right for her.

* Include a Christmas card in your parcel, sharing a favourite Christmas song, tradition, memory, recipe...

Have fun! Don't forget to take a photo of the ornaments you've sent/received so we can share them on our blogs. I'll try to put together a showcase of all of them at some point in December, and link back to everybody.

I can't wait for your emails to start pouring in! So what are you waiting for? Get writing! {and be sure to tell all your blogging friends- share the photo above and link to this post- the more the merrier!}

Happy, happy holidays!
love E xo

photo via my instagram


  1. YEAY Erin, I was wondering if M would do it, I'm so excited that you will be instead :) I'll obviously have to send one to you both now, haha. Sending you an email now xxx

  2. I could not think of a more perfect host than you! I am so thankful you're always such a wonderful friend because I was really looking forward to still exchanging with another blogger. Thanks to you, I still get to participate in the fun! :) I just shared your post on my blog and it truly is amazing to think we met through this very swap FIVE years ago. I can not imagine my life without your friendship. It will always make me smile when I think of how we "met." love you, E! XO

  3. WONDERFUL! Love to see this! It's like having many pen pals from all over the world!

  4. Just sent you an email! Can't wait to get my partner. :)

  5. Yippy skippy - sending you an email - and SEE you soon!!!


Yay! I love comments.


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