
Friday, October 30, 2009

One more sleep!

It's Halloween tomorrow, and how excited are my boys? So completely beyond excited. I suppose I am partly to blame.

We have made many a paper pumpkin.

Some of them are more recognizable as pumpkins than others!

We attached all the little pumpkins, as well as some glittery paper bats and kleenex ghosts, to the Halloween tree (formerly known as the Easter tree, and before that, the Valentine tree)

This is Dylan saying, "Boo!" Sort of hard to tell in a still-shot.

We filled our boo bucket with all sorts of festive goodies and then snuck up to Auntie Jess' house, rang the bell and ran like crazy!

And we've baked and decorated (with far too much orange icing and sprinkles) and eaten some delicious pumpkin cookies.

What's left? Not much really. Just picking up some candy, carving four pumpkins, sweeping a million wet leaves off the front steps and walkway, decorating the preschool for tomorrow's party, donning our costumes and heading out into the autumn twilight. Whew! I'm tired already... But really quite looking forward to all of it (except maybe the bit with the leaves)
Happy Halloween weekend to you! Please share with me what your plans are. I'd love to hear all about them.


  1. Erin, Dylan and Sawyer your boo bucket looks wonderful, I hope you had as much fun as Eden and I.
    Our plans finish pumpkin carving, enjoying gooey popcorn balls, maybe a bonfire, trick and treating and of course attending the preschool Hallowe'en Party. Can't wait to see you!

  2. We got our boo bucket back to us filled with goodies. Now we have to refill it and get it out there again! 4 pumpkins to carve, finish making Kilian's costume, buy more candy and see you at the open house (and Erin and Eden by the sounds of it)!

  3. I want to come too!!!!!!!!!!

    We have one last pumpkin to carve, naps to take, witch cupcakes to bake then off to a friends for dinner and trick or treating.

    Oh, yes, and my husband bought me a new truck for Halloween, pics to come soon.

    Glad to hear all are enjoying the boo buckets!


Yay! I love comments.


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