
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday morning daydream {canoe ride}

On a bleak, grey winter's morning, I'm dreaming of lovely, long, warm summer days. Of taking a canoe out on a lake and finding the perfect spot for a picnic, and then spending the entire afternoon lounging in the sun, drinking lemonade and reading books... Who wants to join me?

via pinterest {anyone know the original source?}

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy things to end the week with

Hello, friends. Happy Friday. Here's my list of happy things at the end of a crazy busy week.

* I don't tend to spend much time on tumblr anymore {Pinterest is so much easier to organize}, but last night I had a marvellous time scrolling through all the pretty pictures and adding some to J'adore. Here's one of them:

{Flowers for your Friday... it's just like old times!}

* It's a pro-d day today. I love a little change in routine every now and then, especially when it means I can sleep in a bit. And it's amazing how much you can accomplish when there aren't any kids in the school!

inspired by this alphabet art

* Making plans for NYC. Wheee!

hello, Central Park...

* I finally signed up for Netflix. What fab movie will I watch next, I wonder? {any suggestions? I'd love to hear}

I can't stop thinking about Ferris Bueller {those Super Bowl ads were too awesome}

* I've been running regularly {going longer and farther all the time} and have now pre-registered for the 2012 Run for the Cure, which I intend to run {hard} the whole way. Take that cancer, you stupid bastard.

Me, post-run, 2009

* Rumour has it that there are cherry blossoms on Oak Bay Avenue. Be still, my beating heart.

pretty pink blooms via here

Hope you're having a fabulous Friday, full of little things that make you happy, too. Any big plans for the weekend? I'll be running the show at our preschool open house/registration day, catching up on laundry {ugh, always with the laundry!} and tackling the dust bunnies under the beds. Good times. Hoping to make some homemade pizza, too, and curl up on the couch with Alan {and a glass of wine} while we watch a few episodes of Fringe... 

Like I said, it's the little things.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

E & me {Valentines}

Yesterday was Valentine's Day as you know, and Em and I needed an idea for today's E & me photo collage. We're very last minute lately. Anyway, it just made sense to snap a photo of a few of the pretty cards we received to share with you today.

And so, a Valentine cards collage it is! 

Care to guess who received which cards {some in the post, and others hand-delivered}? 

One of the cards you see above was sent by one of us to the other, if that helps...

In other news, February is now more than half over. Woot! Come on, March, with your cherry blossoms, longer, lighter days and... a trip to New York City!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is... I love you"

My friend Cass sent me the link to this and I just had to share. The still-frame does not do it justice. Believe me, it's a must watch! Are some of your favourite movies in there? Mine are. A whole bunch of 'em. Even It's a Wonderful Life! Happy Valentine's Day, one more time.

E xo

Be my valentine

Happy Valentine's Day, my lovelies!

What are your plans today? We had an exciting {and early} morning opening cards and gifts {stickers and stationery for me, all sorts of chocolate for the men in the family}, and eating heart-shaped waffles before we all dashed out the door for work and school. The boys were very excited about their class parties, and went bearing big trays of pale pink cupcakes and bags of Valentine cards for their friends. At work we're having a fancy potluck lunch and Secret Cupid gift exchange {fun!} Not very romantic, but all in all, I think it'll be a nice day. And after my running clinic tonight, I'm hoping to convince Alan to watch one of my favourites with me~ The Princess Bride! Wuv, twue wuv...

fabulous photo via the yvestown blog

Monday, February 13, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

It was a busy one, full of preschool commitments, housework, grocery shopping and errand running. The boys and I built a giant Trio castle {Trios is sort of like Lego, have you heard of it?}, baked cupcakes for their upcoming Valentine's Day parties at school, went to my mom's to visit and play with the cousins. I went running twice and to the gym once, and enjoyed the compliments I got about looking trimmer {and like I've lost more than just the 4 lbs so far- hooray!} My sister and I made a big list of all the things we must do in NYC, and Mom booked us tickets to see Chicago on Broadway! On Sunday, Kelly {one of my dearest friends} called to say she was in town and did I want to meet her for tea? What a fabulous surprise that was, and yes, of course I did! It was the highlight of my weekend. What was yours?

 Boy with balloon

 Snowdrops in our garden mean spring is on its way

 The "how tall?" wall at Grandma & Grandpa's house

 Sawyer & Isabel try out the top bunk

Rain clouds + lamp post

 Heart shaped candy boxes fill the shelves on Saturday night

 Pretty pink cupcakes

And I was excited about my Stabucks cup!

Valentine bouquets outside the grocery store

PS: Em was here a year ago today. Wish I had a time machine...


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