
Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer vacation, part two

After our week in Sorrento, we followed my friend Kelly north to Forest Grove. Kelly used to live five doors down from us and then, four years ago, she moved five hundred kilometres away. I was so sad to say good-bye, but fortunately, we're both very good at writing long, newsy letters, and we see each other pretty often. However, I hadn't yet been to see the part of BC where the Kelsey family had moved, or the house and land they've worked so hard on. It was about time we went to visit! The drive took us about 4 hours, and a lot of it was uphill, but it was beautiful. This is Lac des Roches, where we stopped to stretch our legs and take in the scenery.

Beautiful blue water

After that it was on to 100 Mile House, then a long drive down a dusty dirt road to the Kelsey family homestead! Kelly and Ed have 80 acres of countryside- fields and forests as far as the eye can see- and on it, they've built themselves a home.

My darling friend and the land she loves

DRT Springs- the house that Kelly and Ed have built- is off-grid. They power it with solar energy, get their water from a well they had drilled, and they heat it with a gigantic woodstove. It's a work in progress, but what a lot of progress they have made!

We took lots of walks around the property. Isn't it breathtaking?

Fancy pants chicken coop, built by hand.

All three Pugh boys are on me to get chickens, and I am just about ready to relent and say okay! Sawyer especially loved going out to collect eggs in the morning.

Kelly and her pride & joy,Spice, the horse she dreamed of having when she lived here in the city. Isn't that a great fence? Kelly built it herself!

Alan and Shayleigh hanging out by the campfire. Our second night there, we roasted almost two full bags of marshmallows!

Checking out the lay of the land.

Dylan loved riding his bike on the long, long driveway!

This is what you see when you drive along Kelly's road. Pretty nice, huh?

Old friends reunited and BBQing on the back porch

We all had a great time. The kids were so happy to see each other and play again. They were outside all day every day, getting absolutely filthy in the woods. Alan and Ed drank beer and Kelly and I drank gallons of tea and got properly caught up. It was a fabulous visit, and I only wish it could have lasted longer. I can't wait to see you again, Kel! I miss you already. xo

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, these photos are amazing! Now I'm craving a vacation on a homestead. . .


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