
Monday, August 26, 2013

Much Love Monday {last week of summer vacation}

One week from now, it will be the last day of summer holidays, the day before we go back to school. I have a lot to get done between now and then, but I'm confident I can do it. So, just quickly, here are a few things I'm loving on this last Monday in August...

Listening to the boys read aloud
Spending time at the beach
Big family barbeques
Watching Alan and Dylan ride off on their bikes together
Eating fresh strawberries and apples from our backyard
The fact that we have 5 cords of firewood stacked in our woodshed, ready to keep us warm this winter
My kindergarten classroom {so pretty!}
Blackberries, and blackberry smoothies
The smell of sheets fresh off the clothesline
Iced tea
Alan and I got Eddie Izzard tickets for November. Front row centre!
A new stack of library books
The slight chill in the air in the evenings {I do love fall...}

What are you loving this Monday?

1 comment:

  1. We just returned this afternoon from a wonderful 6 days of camping. One week today school starts for me and 23 Grade 3's ! I am sad to say goodbye to summer but I do love fall. It was much cooler this camping trip and we had campfires and s'mores, love that. Tomorrow I head into school to finish setting up. I am loving more week of holidays, lunch with my sister on Thursday, a few more lazy mornings on my deck with my tea, and connecting with someone miles away !


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