
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to school in a brand new room

On the last Friday of the school year, my principal called me down to the office and told me he'd like me to pack up my room and move to the other end of the school so I'd be with the other Kindergarten teachers. I was reluctant because I knew it would be a lot of work, but I said that I would, and I went back to my room to start packing. I've spent a lot of time this summer moving boxes and furniture, sorting through {and throwing out} stuff, papering bulletin boards and getting ready for the fall. The result of all that hard work is a bright, beautiful classroom that I adore. It's just across the hall from the two other K classes {taught by my good friends} and closer to the playground. Totally worth it, and in retrospect, totally the right move. Want to see? I thought so ;~)

The kids will line up outside the room in the morning, and I'll let them in when the bell rings.

Here's what they'll see when they come in {except Dylan won't be there!}

The story corner just might be my favourite place in the room

Kindergarten calendar, ready for the first day of school

The playhouse/kitchen area- isn't it cute?

Sorry it's blurry, but don't you love my polka dot bunting?

In the art centre, I've got baskets for scissors and glue and other good stuff. 

Chalkboard {yes, they still exist!} 

I'm going to be so super organized this year, I swear 

My desk/work area, complete with my favourite children's lit characters

First day art project? Everyone gets to make an owl for the bulletin board in the hallway! Cute, non?

Tomorrow is my first official day of work. It's school year planning day, starting with coffee, muffins, and catching up with colleagues at 8:30 a.m. I'm excited, and ready for a return to routine. And for fall! I love the fall. I have a feeling this is going to be a good year.


  1. Very cute, love your reading corner ! Lily is my hero :)

  2. that class room is so lovely! Lucky children, and the story corner is perfect x

  3. Love the room. I see Frog and Toad have been reincarnated. Enjoy kindergarten, my fave class to reach.

  4. Your classroom is lovely! The kids are going to have a great year!


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