
Monday, April 30, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

We accomplished quite a lot this weekend, despite the weird weather {sun! wind! rain! repeat!} and the fact that none of us were feeling all that hot. The boys and I cleaned their bedroom, and then we took on the bathroom. Turns out they love to scrub stuff, so this is definitely going to be a Saturday morning job for them, scrubbing everything until it shines... Outside, Alan worked hard in the garden and took down loads of tree branches {and an entire pine tree that was causing problems with the power line}. We chopped it all up, and the boys built spaceships and houses and "the Death Star" out of the debris. I made moussaka for the first time in many years, chopped up veggies to last us all week, and made a menu plan. I put together the agenda for my second to last executive meeting as preschool president {not that I'm counting down the days or anything} and read the first 200 pages of The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Oh, and on Sunday morning, I made pancakes. Lots of 'em. With maple syrup. We didn't go anywhere, but we stayed very busy. And really, busy is good.

 The Aardvark Manifesto is very cool, and it's on the wall in my office.

 Setting up shop in the playroom

 The boys served my pancakes at their playroom restaurant, Yum Yum's... Dylan tried to charge me $2!

 Watching the Magic School Bus

 Sitting in the fort they made from branches in the back yard {yes, Sawyer is still in his pajamas}

 Boys being boys

 Pretty little flowers in the front flower bed

Of all the tulips, these ones are are my favourite. They're like the colour of the sunrise...

How was your weekend? Hard to believe it was the last one in April, isn't it? It'll be May tomorrow and we'll be that much closer to summer. This year just keeps on flying by.


  1. Normally I'm really sad when time flies by too fast, but I have to confess that I can't wait until the end of May when school is out. I'm too busy right now! I want to have more down time so that I don't feel so chaotic all the time.

    Your boys look so much like each other!

    1. They do, don't they? I see it more as they get older.

      Down time will be nice. We finish school at the end of June here...

  2. love that poster- Great fun that the boys got to build a space ship with the cut branches- sounds like it would be fun and smell great.

  3. We had a long weekend here in Brazil (Labor Day),and I made pancakes for breakfast too. My little guy wasn't feeling well, so we didn't do everything I had planned for us this weekend. I saw something about tea and happy things on Tumblr, and thought you'd like it, Erin!

    1. Love it, Marcia! Thanks for the link :)
      Hope your little one is feeling better now.


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