
Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy things to end the week with

Out of nowhere this week I got hit with the flu and, days later, I am still recovering from it. Still, that's no reason not to post some happy things at the end of the week. Let's ignore that nagging cough and focus on the positive, shall we?

 Cherry blossoms + the Starbucks drive-thru

 My little gardener

Rosy apple blossoms in the backyard {who else thinks of Betsy and Joe when they see these?}

A vase full of tulips in our bedroom

 I tidied up my office. Love my great big desk!

Two good things about this: 
1. I hung that print by myself. And 2. Those are words to live by.

Happy Weekend, friends. I hope you get lots of time to play.


  1. So impressed with your work space! My desk is a disaster. It's such a busy time of year, being the end of the school year + I just started a new job, so now I'm doing both!!! I feel like I don't have much time for cleaning, which is sad since Micaela and Marianne are coming on Wednesday (and Faiza and Ezgi!). But fresh flowers do make a lot of it better . . . I have daffodils on my table right now :)

    1. They're coming to see you, not to check on how clean your house is! I wouldn't worry. But yes, do put out lots of fresh cut flowers... They always make people happy :)
      Have fun, all of you! Wish I could join you...

  2. oh gosh, i'm still suffering from the flu as well. something is definitely going around. but it's good that you are focusing on the positive! love a vase full of tulips! :)
    xo TJ

    1. Hope you feel better soon, TJ. Having the flu is no fun! I have a vase of tulips on my kitchen table too. Fresh flowers in the house always make me happy :)

  3. You office space is lovely. It's very personal and warm. I would love to sit there and blog, read or create and to have that window in front to look out and daydream.

    1. Thanks, Gracie! I'm quite fond of it. I'll write you a letter at that desk soon, shall I? Have totally fallen behind on keeping up with correspondence!

      Soon there will be lilacs blooming outside that window. I can't wait!

  4. Your office is so sweet! I could easily cosy up in there. Can you send your little gardener to my place? My garden is very much lacking love and attention.

  5. your workspace is AMAZING! and so "you!" (just like that mantra)

    i love how beautiful the cheery blossoms are and how you're raising your boys to have a green thumb, something i wish i had.

    happy things indeed! xo

    1. Alan's the one with the green thumb that he's passing along to the kids. I am a total plant-killer! But thanks :)

      I love my workspace. It's really rather pretty, isn't it?


  6. Your desk is my inspiration. Seriously.

    Feel better!

    1. Thanks! I love it. It's an old desk we found for free on the side of the road, and an old door with the handle removed. My husband painted them both bright white for me and put them together to make my lovely desk!

  7. Beautiful tulips! And your little gardener is precious :)
    I hope you're feeling 100% better!!

    1. Not 100% better, but at least 75... Thanks!

      Love my little gardeners. They spent the day digging in the dirt today and dragging tree limbs across the yard to build a spaceship :)


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