
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wish List Wednesday {lakeside}

via etsy

On Saturday morning, bright and early, we will wake the boys up and load them into the van {which will be stuffed full with bikes and bedding, clothes and toys and beach towels, snacks and drinks and everything else you can think of!} We'll pull out of our driveway by 6 and head for the 7 o'clock ferry. Finally, finally we'll be on our way to Sorrento and our annual family vacation! I am so excited. I can't wait to get away for 10 days. It's going to be so good to relax and unwind, for the boys to be busy in day camp every morning {while I sip my latte and read my book}, and to sit on the shores of Shuswap Lake with a cold drink in the hot, hot sun. I have a ton of packing to do, but right now am having way too much fun perusing Etsy and making a "holiday by the lake" wish list. Join me?

Every beach vacation requires a fabulous stripy bag, non?

via etsy

The cabana we'll be staying in is at a retreat that provides the most delicious meals. But if you're going to spend an entire afternoon at the beach, you'll need a blanket, picnic basket and some snacks, am I right?

via etsy

I'm not just going to sit by the lake, I'm going to go in it. Often. I even bought a new bathing suit. So I'll need a fabulous beach towel to dry off with when I get out.

via etsy

I'll be slathering on the SPF 60, but it'd still be nice to have a cute beach umbrella to sit under when I'm in the mood for a bit of shade.

via etsy

My sister and I have a tradition of gathering up as many Hollywood gossip mags as we can to read together on the beach. Last summer, we were all about Katie Holmes escaping the clutches of crazy Tom Cruise. This year, we're looking forward to reading all the news about the arrival of the Royal Baby! As well, I like to write a few letters while I laze away the afternoon. I think they should be written on note cards like this one, don't you? It's pretty perfect.

via etsy

Will you be hanging out on a beach this summer?


  1. Your holiday sounds lovely, it also sounds like you have been counting down! I would love some time out to relax and enjoy the sun, unfortunately that wont be for awhile.
    Have a great time, I bet the boys are excited too.

  2. I'm off to Canada on 2nd Aug to visit my Brother and his wife in Vancouver and I can't wait. Last day of school was last week, my son finished today so we have a week of getting ready and at last I can look at blogs again. Hope you are enjoying your holiday!!!


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