
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

"Breathe through it, and release anything that does not serve you."

Me, at my yoga class last night

I have a new love in my life, you guys. It's yoga. It is exactly what I need. My sister has been encouraging me for years {literally} to give it a try, and last month I finally signed myself up for a class. After five minutes, I knew it was for me. I've never done such a peaceful, mind-clearing  type of exercise before. I like the quietness of it, the dim lights, the way I feel when I'm imagining myself as a goddess, or a warrior! I come away feeling like I've worked every muscle in my body, and had a good long nap! How is that even possible? I don't know. But I'll take it.

Do you do yoga? 

PS: I love, love, love how the instructor says "Namaste" at the end of each session. Totally reminds me of LOST :)


  1. I've been doing it for a month everyday recently too :) I really love it.

  2. See, you should totally listen to your sister more often. She is wise beyond her years ;)
    So glad you love it. Now to just get to a class together!!

  3. my friend has been doing yoga for years and she keeps encouraging me to do so. but i haven't, haha. maybe i should give it a try

  4. I am so glad you have fallen in love with something so positive for your mind and body. I wanted desperately to feel the same, but I needed something with more movement. How you feel about yoga is what pilates has given me.

    I do have a prenatal yoga video that I enjoyed. May have to try it again... !

  5. Erin, pass onto Micaela that she should try vinyasa yoga. Lots of flowing movement. There are so many different styles. You have to find one that fits for you.

  6. In addition to all the good qualities you listed about yoga, I hear it is also very soothing and restorative. I have been seeking another way to navigate my grief and my mind keeps circling back to yoga. This year should be the year I give it a try. I am happy to hear it is doing good by you.

    My comments are quite often after-the-fact these days, but I do hope that you found a sense of peace at your friend's memorial service. I am certain that she was listening and knows of your love for her. The evidence is so strong through what you share of her and your friendship.


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