
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taking a break

Dear friends,

I love this blog of mine. It's played a big part in my life these past five years. I love reading the comments you make, discussing the interests we share, enjoying the support you offer when I need it. I have made some wonderful friends through blogging, many of whom I've had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with in the real world. Some of us will be life-long friends, I'm sure, thanks to the start we got here on Pughs' News. But right now, I need to take a break and step away from it for a while. It won't be forever {the urge to write and share is strong} but for the moment, and for the next while, I need to focus all of my energy and attention elsewhere. Somewhere far more important.

Thank you for reading, and for being so awesome.

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  1. My darling, I hope everything is okay? I truly hope it's just because you need a break but I am terribly worried now that it could be something else... please text me when you get a chance and just let me know you're okay. If you need anything, you know that I am here for you always. Take as long as you need because that quote is so very true and so lovely-- and most of all, we'll be here to welcome you back with open arms. Thinking of you xoxo

    I love you!

  2. Oh Erin, I echo Micaela completely (apart from the texting bit lol) I hope everything is ok love too. Definitely take all the time you need though, blogging is time consuming and draining and a break is often the best idea. I know I suck at commenting but I've loved reading your posts, getting to know you and seeing your gorgeous boys grow, so we'll definitely be here with open arms when you're ready to come back xxx

  3. Erin I will miss you. I hope I can keep up with you through FB and twitter still. I think a break is a good idea though. If things are getting overwhelming in another area of life then it's best to focus on aspects of it close to you. Hope everything is okay and I'll missing checking in on Pughs' News each day. Lots of love and give some hugs to all your boys and men from the blogger world.

  4. Sending oodles of love your way, dear Erin, and a soulful, hug (like my precious Nana taught me).

    Take extra special care and keep working towards those objectives you set for 2013.

  5. Oh please take care! Blogs are little time absorbent devils at moments. We will be here when things calm. ♥ Warm Wishes ♥

  6. Erin, you'll be missed! I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision to make. Hope all is well with you.

  7. I hope you find whatever it is you need right now Erin! We will miss you, but we'll be here when you're ready to return :)

  8. I hope all is okay, my friend. Know that I am thinking about you and sending love.

  9. This is what happens when I fall behind in blog reading. Let's do a Skype soon? I want to hear about what's going on! In the meantime, I'm sending you lots and lots of love.

  10. i just saw this as i am not in the blogosphere very often these days. i hope everything is ok. thank you for the lovely v-day card! finding it in the mail on friday totally made my not-so-great day wonderful!

  11. Sending you a hug and a virtual Kit-Kat for your break :)

    Though I don't comment often, I am following along and will be here ready to read when you are ready to write.

  12. How did I miss this post?? Though today I was just thinking how I hadn't read a blog of yours in awhile .... Now I know why. Pughs News will be missed but I hope to see you soon! Don't stay away too long.


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