
Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy things with which to end the week

I'm finding it hard to believe that we're two full weeks into December already. Can Christmas truly be just ten days away? Apparently it can. The proof is in my happy list below...

The Christmas lights downtown {never mind the blurry photo... next week I'll have my brand new iPhone 5 and the photos it takes will be fab!}

Festive window displays

Snowman art by my first graders

 My ornament swap parcel arrived today! {stay tuned next week for all the details...}

Our gingerbread house, before the boys began picking it apart and eating it. I couldn't stay annoyed for long... it was making them so happy

Enjoy the weekend, all of you! I'm looking forward to mine. I'll be spending it getting a start on my wrapping, going to a Christmas tea party, hanging out with my brother's family at their holiday open house, and taking the boys to the annual Langford Light-up Firetruck Parade.  You? 

PS: I'm not sure what to say about what happened in Connecticut today, but I feel like I need to say something. As a mother and a teacher, I was heartbroken when I heard the news in the staffroom at school this afternoon. There really are no words to express my shock and sadness at the loss of so many innocent lives. My heart goes out to those families tonight.


  1. Aww how adorable is this post? I love the festive window. I have a Nutcracker and I love it. I adore the gingerbread house too. I would eat from it too :)

    P.S. My heart aches for what happened too :(

  2. Your list of happy things makes me happy too! Looking forward to seeing your new ornament. Have a fabulous weekend, E!

    PS - What happened in Conneticut is so incredibly sad. As someone who also works in a school, it hits so close to home...

  3. UNIMAGINABLE TRAGEDY. Those innocent babies... i can't imagine those poor parents :( my heart aches for them and I could not stop the tears watching the coverage.

    In times like these, i am thankful for remembering to appreciate the little things that bring joy even in times of sorrow.

    I can't wait to see your post on your ornament exchange with Amanda! She gave me a peek already and I knew you would love them <3

    Sounds like a festive weekend planned and I can't wait to hear about it. Yay for your new iphone! Already so excited for Felix and i to skype with her Auntie E after Christmas :)

    We are going to enjoy lazy family time and soak up Papa & Baby time as much as possible before we get on our plane to my parents.



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