
Friday, December 07, 2012

Happy things with which to end the week

Just like that, the first week of December is over! I'm really hoping things will slow down now and the next three weeks will meander by, allowing plenty of time to savour all the wonderful things about this time of year...

Here's my happy list, in the wee hours of Friday morning:

 I adore Dylan's letter to Santa. Pretty sure he'll be getting everything on his wish list!

 I love my teeny-tiny vintage elves, found in a fabulous antique shop last weekend {note to self: get outside and wash those windows!}

 Our house is oh-so-twinkly! And we're not done yet...

 On the dresser in our bedroom, this Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus, painted for me by my beloved Gramma over thirty years ago

 Cranberry shimmer lotion from The Body Shop. Mmmmm.

 I'm very happy with my Christmas cards this year. They've got just the right amount of sparkle.

 A stack of good books on my bedside table

Happy Weekend, friends! What have you got planned for the next few days? We have two staff parties to attend, a family search for the perfect Christmas tree, a sleepover at Gramma and Grampa's house for the boys {while we're at party #2}, Christmas shopping, and hopefully putting up and decorating our Christmas tree. It's starting to feel pretty festive over here! Just the way I like it... 


  1. Dylan's letter to Santa is so cute! Your house is looking good... Did you find your Christmas tree? I hope you like the book. XX,

  2. If you find the secret to slowing things down then please share! The first week and this last weekend have just gone in a flash and I feel Christmas is sneaking up far too quickly this year. Just seen your fb and I can imagine your tree now looks beautiful and is twinkling away in your room, can't wait to see a photo. The outside looks amazing as always and I adore the swirly lights towards the front.
    Dylan's letter is just too cute for words, can't wait for Sam to be writing his. Have a wonderful start to the week and really hope to catch up soon.

  3. Dylan's Christmas list is precious! Look at him thanking Santa for last year's presents. That part just warmed my heart!!! PLEASE PLEASE post vid of him with his hool-a-hoop when he opens that :) and that he wants Christmas ornaments... well you know that warms this girl's heart.

    I wish Felix and I could drive by the Pugh's twinkly house. Your house really looks magical and cozy.

    How sweet is Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus? i LOVE the sentiment.

    happy things, indeed! xo

  4. ps. how could i forget to mention how PERFECT those elves are?! oh to go antique shopping with you... now that would be a dream. ONE DAY! :)


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