
Monday, November 19, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

Too tired to type. I was up until 1:30 last night, working like a madwoman to finish  my report cards. I just couldn't have the bloody things looming over me any longer. Anyway, I did it. They're done and I am now beyond exhausted {you try teaching first grade on 4 1/2 hours sleep!} I'm climbing into bed tonight at 9:30 p.m. Just quickly logging on to post a few photos of our festive weekend. It included a trip downtown to see the Santa Claus Parade {don't. even. get me started on the traffic and lack of parking down there}, shopping for and putting up Christmas lights, making some fun purchases at a craft fair and drinking many a peppermint mocha {in between long stretches in front of the computer, of course}. What did you get up to?

Happy Monday, lovies. Hope it was a good one.


  1. Yay for completed report cards! You can indulge in all this festive goodness now. I simply adore your photos, they make me imagine all the fun ahead with my little chap as he grows into the magic that is Christmas more and more. All your pictures make me feel like you had the most cosy, festive winter weekend - gorgeous xx

  2. Awesome photos! Sounds like a good weekend. Oh and I hope you catch up on your sleep, I can't imagine having to teach first graders with just 4 hours of sleep! oh my! Oh and thank goodness there's a Starbucks just 5 minutes away from where I live, I am definitely craving for some peppermint mocha on this rainy Tuesday.

  3. Look at that face on Sawyer! SO EXCITED! I love it.

  4. Going to bed at 9:30? We're hitting the hay around 8:30 or 9. I don't know HOW you could teach after 4 1/2 hours of sleep. You must be a god to make it through a full day on that little bit!

  5. The parade looks like it was a lot of fun! I'm proud of you for finishing the report cards. I hate that feeling of something looming over me... Did you rest?


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