
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

E & me {Starbucks cards}

How much do I love my personalized gold Starbucks card? So much.

Hooray! Em is flying home to Canada today! She's on a plane at this very moment, westward bound. I can't wait to see her in exactly 7 days {apparently her family needs to spend some quality time with her on Thanksgiving weekend before they're willing to put her on a ferry to me? what is up with that?!} We have lots of fun plans for her stay in Victoria, including numerous visits to Starbucks {we're addicted, and happy to admit it}. Which is why I sent her the festive Canada-themed Starbucks card for her birthday last month. It's loaded with enough cash for plenty of lattés to keep us hydrated, and hanging out in the comfy chairs by the window, for hours every evening.

My best friend will be here in a week! That makes me happier than a pumpkin spice latté ever could. And that's really saying something :)

Happy Wednesday, mes amies.
E xo

PS: Stay tuned for an extra special E & me next Wednesday, when Em arrives on the island!


  1. This is so sweet! Who doesn't love a Starbucks card amiright?

  2. So excited about your Em reunion (and what a wonderful E & me theme for the week)! In honour of Em's arrival, I had my first pumpkin spice latté of the year this morning. Can you say "yummmmmm"?

  3. Oh Erin I'm soo excited for you! I know this is very exciting for you both and I know you will have good times together. Look forward to reading about it. x

  4. oh that is true love indeed ;) i'm SO EXCITED for the both of you!! and really can't wait to see photos of all your best friend fun.

    can't wait for Wens :)

    ps. Em, safe travels love!

    1. Thank you, lovely! Perhaps we'll send you a postcard like we did when Gracie was here. From Starbucks of course... :) XOXOXO

  5. Hooray for Ema and you being together again! Can't wait to hear all the fun you girls have together!



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