
Monday, September 17, 2012

Scenes from the weekend {fall fair edition}

Our weekend was full. I planned lessons and worked on my day plans {still ironing out how I want the week to look in Grade One}. Alan dug new flower beds and worked away in the garden. The boys and I picked up their Beaver uniforms from Scout House and they tried them on with much excitement. We baked cookies and an apple & plum crumble and carrot loaf {brand new KitchenAid, I love you!}, and made 4 dozen sandwiches to freeze for lunches in the weeks ahead. I vacuumed and swept and put laundry away. We practiced our French vocabulary words and read a few more chapters of Harry Potter and the the Chamber of Secrets. Wendy called and we had a lovely long chat. I invited my parents over for dinner and we had a good, noisy visit around the kitchen table. And oh yeah, we went to the fair, too, in case you didn't notice!

Glad to have an extra day off this week. After all the work we managed to do these past few days, I'm looking forward to spending Monday almost entirely outdoors in the sun. We're over halfway through September now, and I'm all too aware that the warmth and sunshine won't last forever. I'm thinking we should probably get ourselves to a beach, stat!

Happy Monday.


  1. Oh what fun was had in the Pugh house this weekend! Wish my little bunch could have joined you. Lovely to see you are still in short sleeves; make the most of it for us as the cardigans and woolly jumpers are out in force here in chilly old Suffolk. Enjoy your extra long weekend today and hope to catch up later in the week.

  2. Oh the fair! A weekend that involves a trip to the fair (especially with cotton candy like that) really is the best kind of weekend, isn't it?

    4 dozen sandwiches? Consider me duly impressed- what organization!

  3. This fair looks like so much fun!! I want to try one of those flying machine things! Why didn't they have that when I was a kid?

    And do get yourself to a beach -- enjoy whatever warmth and sunshine are left!


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