
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

E & me {school supplies}

I went back to school last week, like I do every September. But this year, for the first time in over 7 years, I'm not doing two days in the library + a day or two in a classroom. This year, I am teaching Grade 1, just about full time! And let me tell you, Grade 1 is kicking my ass. Things are hectic, and I'm still getting used to being the main classroom teacher to a group of kids {a very busy, energetic group of kids} again after so many years away from it. It's good, and I'm sure it will get easier as the weeks go by, but right now I feel so overwhelmed. I can't keep in my head all the things I need to do. Good thing for pretty notebooks and Sharpie markers to keep me organized, huh? When they're not buried under a pile of papers on my desk, that is...

On that note, I give you E & me's theme this week: school supplies! 

The scissors in my half of the collage totally give away who owns what. Em clearly hasn't written Mrs Pugh on her pair. So, no need to guess which supplies are Canadian and which are French. Instead, tell me about your favourite teacher from elementary school? She's the one I'm aspiring to be.

But first, I need some sleep.

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