
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dear September

via here

Dear September,
You are golden and sunshiney and absolutely gorgeous. And you are beyond exhausting! Hoping I find a rhythm that works and soon. I want to enjoy you a bit more before you're over.

Dear pumpkins in our garden,
Grow big and orange over the next month, won't you please?

Dear woodstove,
Not ready to deal with you yet, okay? So don't go getting any ideas. This warm weather is going to hang on for ages yet, so who needs you?

Dear Library,
I miss the peace and quiet of you, and buying all those lovely books.

Dear First Graders,
You're funny and feisty and quite delightful, but wow, you wear me out!

Dear Thursdays off,
What would I do without you?

Dear Cassie,
The trashy novel you sent is just the thing I need these days! Thank you.

Dear crock pot,
You make suppers so much easier.

Dear soup recipe book,
I'm digging you out today. I'm thinking we'll start with a butternut squash. 'Tis the season!

Dear leaves changing colour,
I adore you. And I can't take your photo often enough.

Dear Dylan and Sawyer,
You two are awesome. You're noisy and messy and you drive me mad some days, but I love you oh-so-much. I want to kiss your cheeks, constantly.

Dear pumpkin spice latté,
Even if I wanted to quit you, I wouldn't. You are perfection in a paper cup.

Dear Downton Abbey,
Loving you so far. You've got Maggie Smith. How could you be anything but wonderful?

Dear Grandpa,
I miss you.

Dear September,
Like I've said, you've been quite a month so far. The next ten days will be busy ones, no doubt. I might need another pumpkin spice latté {or two} to get me through... But I'm cool with that.

love Erin


  1. Yay, I spotted my name and smiled a big smile of my coffee and muffin! I hope it does indeed fit the bill.

    I love this list and have to chime in that I wish September would just slow down already please.

    I am sure as these seasons change your rhythm will come. Chat soon. xx

  2. You should get Alan to put back the furnace, someone I know has a LOT of free oil.

  3. I love this post!!! Hope you received my letter - read it with a Pumpkin Spice Latte ;-)

  4. WAIT. Do you have the new season of Downtown Abbey in Canada? Because that would be so not fair. It's already not fair England has it.

    But September? September sounds just lovely. I want to see a photo of those pumpkins soon!

  5. This post made my day! I love your letter to September. XO, sweetie.


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