
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Back to school wishlist

Much as I'd like to deny it, the summer is more than half over here. We're well into August now, and soon we'll be back at school. I've been going into work off and on over the past few weeks, working at putting together my new classroom. It's definitely still a work in progress, but I think it's coming along quite nicely, don't you? {I'm looking forward to sharing more photos of it with you through the school year!}

Round tables, corner reading nook, the beginnings of bulletin boards {always that much better once kids' artwork is on display}

Bookish stuff on display {can you spot the Gruffalo?}

In addition to setting up my first grade classroom, I've also been compiling a little back-to-school wishlist. It's an assortment of things I'd like to have to help make September that much lovelier.

I could really use a new lunch bag. This one is hilarious and awesome, and I'm pretty sure I have to have it.

I've always thought I look good in plaid. This is a cute, teachery outfit, non?

Any teacher'll tell you the importance of having a good stapler. I've got one already, but it's nowhere near as pretty as this vintage red one.

Personalized teacher stationery? With the cutest little red schoolhouse motif? Yes, please!

I love this vintage brass bell in the shape of an apple. I'd ring it to get the kids' attention, and smile at how sweet it is, every time.

This colourful Manhattan skyline print isn't necessarily school-related, but it's just too beautiful to pass up. It would look awfully good on one of my classroom walls, don't you think?

I found all of these treasures on Etsy {it's a happy past-time of mine, perusing all that handmade/vintage goodness}. Just click on the Etsy link above, and then on "back to school" in the left hand side bar, and browse away!

Is there anything on your wish list lately?


  1. I love that you put so much love and thought into your classroom. A wonderful environment can greatly effect the learning of a child and I love that you know this and make sure it's as welcoming and loving as possible.

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! And it will only get better. It's feeling pretty sparse right now...

  2. I heart the apple bell, I can picture you in your classroom ringing it now :)

  3. i think your classroom is coming along better than nicely! :) and your school wish list is just so you ;) from the plaid (red is def. your color!) to the notecards, i love it all.

    my wish list on etsy consists of baby stuff, of course ;)

  4. My grandmother used to have an apple just like that bell! How cute.

    I can't believe summer is almost over! Your classroom looks warm and cozy. The perfect place to learn! :) Enjoy your last few weeks of summer!

    1. I can't believe it either, Lauryn. Good thing I love autumn so much, or I might be feeling rather gloomy!

  5. I have an apple bell! Never thought to bring it to school though, maybe I'll do just that come September.

  6. I can't believe no one has mentioned the lunch bag! I love that lunch bag :)

  7. my daughter is entering the first grade..I hope her teacher puts as much time and effort in making school a fun environment as you! Have an awesome rest of the summer, and I hope you get a few goodies off your wish list!

    1. I hope your daughter's teacher makes her first grade year magical!

      Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

  8. Your classroom is looking good! When does school start? Etsy is wonderful. I love browsing through all the beautiful and creative things people come up with. XO

    1. Thanks, Marcia. School starts Sept 4th here. Our staff have a school planning day on Aug 30th. It's coming up too quickly!

  9. The lunch bag is my favorite item on your wish list.

    1. Thank you! I think it's genius! I can't wait to order one and take it into the staff room with me at lunch hour.

  10. All of it is so cute! I went to my student teaching placement the other day and while there is not enough room for basically anything else, I was mentally starting to wonder where I would put certain Mrs. Hestekin things on the desk. :)

    Did I miss the post that said you were teaching first grade now? I thought you were a kindergarten teacher. Whenever you are, you will have a delightful classroom.

  11. Giving personalized stationery to teachers is truly intricate. Invest in some personalized stationery and you won't be disappointed.


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