
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Just the two of us

Sawyer is at summer camp this week. It's science-themed which means slimy, messy fun for him, and a nice clean kitchen for me!  It also means a little bit of one-on-one time for me and Dylan. Every morning, we drop Sawyer off at 8:45, and then for 3 hours, it's just the two of us. We've been having fun so far, going to Starbucks, watching Olympic gymnastics {"Whoa, Mum! Did you see that? It was, like, so incredible!"}, setting up my classroom, playing Monopoly Jr, hanging out at the park. It's so nice to have some time to focus on just one kid {Sawyer gets his turn next week, when Dylan spends afternoons at an art camp} and to let them be the centre of attention for a while. Who doesn't like that, right?

Today we're going shopping for new school clothes. That kid is growing like a weed.


  1. Nice to have a little alone time with just one kid. They do grow like weeds don't they? Jonas is on his 2nd pair of sandals for the summer all ready, I don't know where my baby has gone!

  2. What a genius idea! I want to come watch the olympics and go to starbucks and the park with you, too!

  3. so special! and whoa mama, classroom setup already?! I'm steering clear for at least another three weeks!

  4. My baby is getting too big!! Slow down time!!


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