
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A little blog break

beautiful image via designer jots

There are six days left until the new school year begins. Six short days and summer vacation will be over. In that time I need to: take Dylan to his last summer swim lesson, take both boys to the last day of the Summer Reading Program at the public library, spend an evening drinking tea, eating cookies and visiting with Kelly before she heads up north again, attend an all-day school planning session with my colleagues and our new admin team {we'll get a day off in lieu later in September}, clean the house and get ready for Gracie's arrival {and then spend a few days hanging out together and showing her around Victoria!},  ride the harbour ferry and go for fish & chips, take the boys to the park/beach a few more times, go out for afternoon tea, house-sit for my parents, have one more campfire marshmallow roast, label the boys' school supplies {why haven't I done that yet?} and figure out what the heck I'm doing with my class during the first week of school. Oh! And decide what I'm going to wear the first day back! Basically I need to get a bunch of stuff done, and I want to squeeze in as much summery fun as I possibly can. So, I've decided to take a break from the blog for a bit. I hope your last few days of August are amazing and the first few of September are spectacular {you know I'm going to want to hear all about them}. I'll miss you, but I promise to be back soon. 

Until then, enjoy the end of August and the beginning of a brand new month!
E xo


  1. sounds like the most delicious of plans because of everything you're doing to soak up the end of August. i can't wait to hear all about your visit with Gracie and live vicariously through you both since i won't be able to meet her :(

    and do please report back on what you decided to wear on your first day. I hope it's something red-- that's your color ;)

    enjoy and we'll be here waiting xoxo

  2. Erin, hope you enjoy those six days to the fullest! Everything on your agenda made me smile - especially all the tea involved : )

  3. Yes! Way to enjoy these last days of summer!

  4. Have fun and go enjoy your last few days before the school year!


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