
Monday, July 09, 2012

Summer manifesto 2012

via here

School's been out for 10 days now. They've been a lovely 10 days, full of birthday celebrations and camping and sleeping in and sunshine {with the exception of a few torrential downpours that first weekend}. Summer vacation stretches out in front of me, 9 glorious weeks of it, but already I can see the time speeding past. We leave for Sorrento on Friday and when we get back, it'll be the last full week of July. I don't want to waste a second of the summer of 2012, so I've made another manifesto {remember last year's?}, a list of all the things I want to do before September rolls around. Here it is...

Run 3x a week to prep for Run for the Cure this fall.
Make my own iced tea {use mint from the garden}.
Build a sandcastle with my boys. Don't just watch them build a sandcastle. 
Send a letter every week.
Picnic. Often.
Frequent the farmers' markets.
See outdoor movies by the harbour.
Pick blackberries.
Go canoeing. I love canoeing, but I haven't been in years.
Try a yoga class.
Carry a watermelon :)
Rent a bike and go for a ride with my boys.
Watch the London Summer Olympics. Do it whilst drinking Pimms and lemonade.
Get a pedicure.
Paint my kitchen cupboards.
Organize the library, so we have a nice space downstairs to read and write and have quiet time.
Hang out at the beach.
Read. A lot.
Journal just as much.
Skype regularly with friends faraway, because for once my schedule allows it.
Lie on the grass at night and look at the stars.
Read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to the boys. 
Make a salad at least 4 days a week. Use ingredients from the garden.
Parlez en français avec mes enfants.
Finally watch Downton Abbey, because you know I'm going to love it.
Learn to make my own lattés, then sit outside on the new deck and enjoy them in the mornings.
Celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary in style.
Catch up with old friends at my {you're never, ever going to believe this} 20th high school reunion.
Enjoy all the little moments that make summer such a magical time of year.

Do you have a summer manifesto? Is it anything like mine?


  1. love this! You are so inspiring.. i am going to have to make my own summer manifesto now! Hope you complete your list over the summer=]

  2. WOW! Thats an amazing list! I think I will have to write up a Manifesto list too! as I was reading it I thought yep I should do that too!
    Soo looking forward to seeing you!!!

    1. I'd love to see that list, Kelly! You should do a blog post about it...

      See you on Sunday!!! so excited! xo

  3. I love this kind of list! Downtown Abbey is on mine too :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog! Can't wait to see Downton Abbey... it's just my sort of thing :)

  4. Love this list. Reading, biking, & Olympics are all on mine (and Downton Abbey will not disappoint : )

    1. You're a girl after my own heart, Alli! It's going to be a good summer!

  5. I adore your list, Erin! And I'm putting "Skype with Erin" on my summer list -- do you think we could make that happen?


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