
Monday, July 30, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

Aren't weekends wonderful? This one was especially nice, a good mix of productive and fun. We spent it: playing at the beach, baking {and eating} some very festive cupcakes, watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics {plus plenty of swimming, tennis, cycling and gymnastics, too}, skyping with Nanny, cleaning the house, picking peas from the garden, eating burgers and corn-on-the-cob and ice cream with the cousins on my aunt's sundeck, and listening, enraptured, to a few more chapters of Harry Potter.

 Running in the wind {this photo makes me all kinds of happy}

 Digging in the sand

 Oh-so-festive cupcakes for the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics {I used this recipe and it was delicious}

Our Olympics picnic {notice the colour scheme?}

 Picking peas

Fudgesicles at Auntie Pat's house

I love introducing my boys to the magic of Harry Potter

We have lots of plans for the week ahead. I'm especially looking forward to dinner out at a Japanese restaurant downtown with some old friends, and an afternoon at Beaver Lake with Amanda and her boys. What are you up to this week?


  1. looks great! love your cupcake toppers, i'm quite busy this week for work but we are off again at the weekend to a show in the truck! yey!!

  2. Awww, it looks like you had a great weekend with the family!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. It looks like you had a blast! The Olympics picnic was a super idea. I hope you have a great week. The teachers returned to work today, and the kids' first day of school will be Friday, so it looks like our week will be action packed. :)

    1. We have a little under five weeks to go until school starts. Must make the most of every single remaining second of summer vacation!!!

  4. i love your cupcakes! i love that you made them yourself too!

    1. Thanks, Faiza! I was thrilled with them. They tasted way better than cake mix cake. Couldn't believe it!

  5. Which beach is Sawyer digging in?

    1. It's Esquimalt Lagoon. The sand has been perfect for castles lately.


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