
Sunday, July 01, 2012

Scenes from the weekend {Sawyer's 5th birthday/Canada Day edition}

This weekend we leaped headfirst into summer. School got out Thursday, and Friday was Sawyer's birthday! It was an exciting day {as birthdays always are in the Pugh household}, involving a hunt for birthday presents, a dinosaur birthday cake, and a big old barbeque with family and friends. The birthday boy enjoyed every single second, which is just as it should be.

Sounding out the clues which lead to hidden birthday presents

 Last minute change of plans: "Mum! I want a dinosaur cake, okay?"

 Making a wish

When the birthday fun finished {until his party next weekend}, the Canada Day fun began! We spent a good part of Sunday at Fort Rodd Hill at the Great Big Canada Day Picnic. We had a lovely, festive time.

 Men and women in uniform

 Red flip-flops are a must on the first of July

 Exploring the fortress

Heading for the lighthouse

 Love those shutters

 Row, row, row your boat...

Canada flag on the clothesline

The weekend continues Monday as the boys and I head up-island to meet my aunt, sister and family for a few days of camping on the Haslam River. Looking forward to swimming and s'mores and sitting round the campfire. It's hard to believe that summer vacation is finally here, but oh boy... am I ever ready for it!

PS: Happy, happy birthday today to my lovely friend Karina in NYC! {Wish I were there to celebrate and eat cupcakes with you, Kary!} Won't you please stop by her blog to wish her a wonderful 31st birthday?


  1. Happy birthday, Sawyer! Enjoy your summer vacation, Erin! Praying for lots of sun and fun days for you...

    1. Thanks, Marcia. There's nothing but sun in the forecast, FINALLY! Hope you are having a marvellous time in Portugal!

  2. I love all the colors and photos from Canada Day, but personally am really jealous of Sawyer's dinosaur cake. How bad is that? Haha! Hope it was a lovely birthday! Plus hunting for birthday presents sounds like a great way to give presents to others. Who doesn't love a scavenger hunt?

    1. My boys love a good gift hunt. The night before their birthdays I am always up late, writing little rhyming clues to lead them to their presents. They love it. And I love to watch them as they dash from room to room. They especially love finding a gift in the bathtub or the dryer. They think it's hilarious!

      You should ask Noah to make you a dinosaur cake for your next birthday... It's super easy :)

  3. Sounds like such a lovely summer weekend - I love this time of year. Happy birthday to Sawyer!

  4. Happy Birthday, Sawyer! 5 is a great age! You can do lots of things on your own now, plus, you don't have any homework yet!

    1. Ha! Love this comment, Yiota. So true :) I'll be sure to tell him!

  5. So many celebrations!! Love Sawyer's cake! Happy Canada day my darling friend!! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!! When we meet again we shall celebrate our birthdays with cupcakes!!


    1. Thanks, Kary! I shall look forward to cupcakes and celebrating with you, whenever it may be :) Hopefully SOON!

  6. Happy (belated) birthday to your Sawyer. The dinosaur cake looks great and I'm sure a little boys dream. And I think it's cute that you had clues to gifts.

    And Happy Canada Day. It looks wonderful! Yay! I can't wait to see you next month :)

    1. Neither can I, Gracie! Writing you a letter about it tonight. We need to make some plans :) Hurrah!


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