
Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy things with which to end the week

Sawyer had a fun final day of preschool {I dashed up on my lunch hour the other day to be there for the last 15 minutes}. He is now officially kindergarten-bound, and rather excited about it!

The "graduate" and his wonderful preschool teacher, Erin

This morning I went to my favourite bookstore to do my very last bit of book buying for the school library. I loved that part of the job... perusing all the beautiful children's books and filling boxes of them to take back to school. Since this was to be my last trip {I'm leaving my library position and will be teaching Grade 1 in September}, I decided to take myself for a cup of tea and a scone at Murchies first. And then I splurged and bought this Gruffalo doll {seriously, how could I resist?}

Tea + books = a few of my favourite things

More fresh flowers on our kitchen table, and this little cutie {with another loose tooth!} peeking out from behind them

Love these big, bright blooms

And a few more for good measure:  I went to dinner with the school staff tonight and laughed my head off with my favourite colleagues. Finally finding some time to write a few letters to faraway friends. One week left of work and I'll be on summer vacation! Three weeks from now, we'll be in Sorrento {oh, it will do me good}. And while I type this, am also instant-messaging with Em :)

Happy Weekend!
E xo

1 comment:

  1. Your happy things to end the week with always make me smile, Erin! Your boys are so cute, and it's so exciting to move up to Kindergarten! Are the flowers from your garden? Have a great weekend! I won't be visiting for a couple of weeks, but we'll catch up when I come back... :)


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