
Monday, May 07, 2012

Much Love Monday

I know some people aren't fond of Mondays, but I really rather like them. There's something nice about the beginning of a new week. I like the fresh start and the possibilities that lie in the days ahead. Plus, I have Mondays off. That's nice, too.

I didn't take any photos this weekend, so here's a list of the things I'm loving this Monday instead. It's been a while...
  • the scent of sheets fresh off the clothesline
  • our lilac trees are blooming!
  • spending an hour after school at the beach with my boys {the ocean waves were beautiful, and the sandcastle they built was pretty great, too}
  • fresh baked oatmeal cookies
  • skyping with Em {while I baked the cookies}
  • visiting over lunch, and many cups of tea, with an old friend
  • finding a housework routine that works
  • the sound of lawnmowers {and the smell of fresh-cut grass} up and down the street
  • knowing that I have just 2 preschool meetings left to chair before I can step down and let the new president take over {after 4 years of co-op preschool, I am so ready to be done}
  • the weather is supposed to be lovely and warm all week... Bring on the sunshine!
What are you loving this Monday? I hope you can think of something.

PS: Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on Thursday's post. They meant a lot.

image via pinterest


  1. The smell of clean sheets is so lovely! Such a spring smell. I am glad that you had a lovely weekend, I think I need to learn to embrace Mondays more.

  2. I gotta say ... you are a rockstar for doing 4 years of co-op preschool AND being the president for this year ... I am soooo happy for you too, almost being done. Happy dance when that last meeting ends!! :)


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