
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I can't wait

... to read the new {and totally groovy} Pete the Cat book to my kindergarten kids today. They're going to love it! We'll read it, sing the song, make some excellent Pete the Cat artwork with buttons glued on...

And then I'll bring it home and read it to the boys at bedtime. Yay! Do you know the Pete the Cat books? If not, I highly recommend them. They're both hilarious and awesome. And Pete? Well, he's one very cool blue cat.

I'll be back later on today with the return of E & me. It's about time, non?
Until then, happy Wednesday!
E xo


  1. We love Pete the Cat !
    going to have to use your craft idea with the gluing of buttons! time to start googling pete the cat coloring pages :)

    1. I'll post a photo on facebook of the art we did. The Petes my kindergarten kids made turned out so cute!

      Check out pinterest for lots of great Pete the Cat stuff, Amber...


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