
Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy things to end the week with

Really? For real? It's Friday again? I don't know where the week went, but I sure as hell didn't have any time to post much of anything, did I? Sorry about that. My mom sent me a message on Facebook tonight to say she missed Much Love Monday and Flowers for your Friday this week. She's so cute, my mom. And I'll make it up to her soon... In the meantime though, how about some happy things with which to end the week? {I know that that's the right way to say it, but sometimes I need to reign in my inner grammar snob... so I never use it in the title}

Anyway. Happy things. Here you go:

Friday flowers. Love, love, love the lilacs in our garden.

Leaves rustling in the breeze, and blue sky peeking through their green canopy.

Going for long walks in the sunshine with these two

And taking rests in the tall grass on our way to get a slurpee

It's a short list, and a simple one. But I can see the theme running through it. One of relaxation and time spent together. Summer's coming. I can feel it, and it is such a relief. All year long, summer feels like a faraway dream. And then it arrives and it's real and I just can't believe it, you know? The fact that it's a long weekend and the weather has been so amazing really helps. In addition to the usual housework and yard work over the next few days, we'll also be sleeping in, staying up late, and heading off to the fair and the parade {same as every other Victoria Day weekend!} Maybe we can even grill up some burgers on the barbeque. Mmmm. All we need now is corn-on-the-cob and watermelon!

Good-night, friends. Happy Weekend.


  1. Love all your outside pictures! The rain finally stopped here this morning and I skimmed through your post earlier and it inspired me to get out the picnic blanket, grab a handful of toys and take Sam outside to enjoy the sunshine!
    Hope to catch up this weekend and oh how I wish my lilacs were as stunning as yours are.

    1. Skype date this weekend. Pinky swear!
      Can't wait to catch up with you and your sweet boy. Maybe next summer we could share that picnic blanket?

  2. Just re-read my comment - I need to improve my English!! Apologies xx

  3. Life sure gets busy sometimes huh? Now that we're nearing the end of the school year I think teachers lives get hectic! I love seeing your photos and you're making my mouth water talking about corn and watermelon!

    1. Hectic doesn't begin to describe it!

      Hang in there, Alli.

  4. your mom is so cute :) i agree with her!

    oy, my bad on the horrible grammar. ha!!! i should fix that, no?

    how i miss huge green trees like that. xo

    1. Come visit and we'll sit under them together and chat for hours. Deal?


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