
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NYC: The You've Got Mail Tour

I had a lot of reasons to be excited about the trip my mom, sister and I took to New York City last month. One of them was my great love of the 1998 film, You've Got Mail {I may have mentioned once or twice how much I adore it}, which takes place on New York's Upper West Side. Well, it just so happens our hotel was in the neighbourhood and I had a marvellous time searching out and photographing just about every film location I could think of! Won't you join me on a tour of Kathleen Kelly's and Joe Fox's New York?

First up is Café Lalo, where Kathleen waits to finally meet her online love, Mr NY152.

Imagine my delight when we walked past Café Lalo our first evening in NYC, purely by coincidence!

Me! Sitting in Kathleen's spot!

Zabar's Deli {where Joe and Kathleen bump into each other at the checkout} was a block and a half from our hotel. We went to stock up on bagels and cream cheese on a regular basis.
Kathleen tries to avoid Joe

 We could actually just see Zabar's from our hotel room window

"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee... So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on Earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self. Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino!" - Joe Fox
A favourite hangout of the main characters is the Starbucks at 81st and Broadway

My lovely sister indulges my enthusiasm for the movie and poses in front of the very same Starbucks

 Verdi Square, from the beginnging of the movie when Kathleen and Joe pass each other on the street
Autumn in the movie

 Springtime in real life

At Gray's Papaya near the end of the movie {they're finally friends, and falling in love, though Kathleen still doesn't know that Joe is NY152}
These two are just so adorable together, aren't they?

 Sunday morning, not open yet

This was probably my favourite spot to visit, Kathleen's brownstone apartment on 89th Street! Isn't it pretty?
Again, autumn in the movie

 Springtime for me

Finally, the 91st Street Garden in Riverside Park. I walked from Kathleen's apartment to this very spot, just like she does at the end of the movie. It made my sentimental heart so happy...

A lot bloomier in the summertime

But definitely the same spot. And see? Pretty happy!

all film captures via warner bros/starbucks collage via here


  1. Ha! I knew you were going to have this post and was looking forward to it! I'm so jealous!

    1. It really was fabulous, Yiota. You'll have to go someday...

  2. This is amazing, I never thought to do anythig like this in Paris and Amelie was filmed there - oops :)

    I think the one place I'd definitely go to in New York is the Seinfeld cafe though.

    This is making me want to watch You've Got Mail now lol

    1. Yes! We meant to go see that cafe, but just didn't get to it. Not enough time! We did see the place that belongs to the "Soup Nazi" though!

  3. I love everything about her apartment in the film.

  4. That's awesome, you re-created everything perfectly!!

  5. I am here commenting, I thought you would tell me off if I didn't ;)!! I absolutely love each and every location picture of yours and am so jealous right now!
    One day we will watch this favourite film of ours together, one day soon I hope!xx

    1. You're right. I would have totally told you off!

      Wish you could have been with me, Cassie. You'd have loved every second. And yes, let's watch You've Got Mail together one day soon! xo

  6. GREAT post! It felit like I was right there with you.

  7. I loved this. My dtr & I really love "You've Got Mail". It's my go to film if I need a pick me up. Love it! What a cool idea to go see all of the spots in the movie. What a good idea. When we lived in Seattle, Hubby & I went to the restaurant at Pike Place that Tom Hanks met Rob Reiner in the movie "Sleepless in Seattle". Not exactly the same thing. :)

    1. It's my go-to movie, too. It always makes me smile. Combines my favourite things: letter-writing, children's books, Jane Austen, Starbucks and New York City!

  8. I LOVE every single thing about this post!! I am a You've Got Mail fan ;) and it was SO much fun to see it through your eyes!!! I LOVE your pictures, especially the one with Amanda and the one with your smiling face - LOVE them!! I am SO happy we got to spend time together while you were here and these post are making me so happy!! I really don't want them to be over! xoxo

    1. Don't worry, Kary. There are still several NYC posts to come! xoxo

  9. I'm so impressed that you found all of these spots! You've Got Mail never gets old. thanks for helping me re-live it this morning with your photos :)

    1. I agree. It's from 1998, but I really don't think it's dated at all. I love it just as much now as I did then. Maybe more, now that I've visited all those spots in real life!

  10. awww i love that you did all this! i didnt see any of these, although i did see lots of other movie related stuff. Just gonna have to go back!

  11. This is seriously cool Erin! I, like some others, are impressed that you managed to find all the spots! Must have done a lot of movie watchin'. :)

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I was impressed, too! It was just so easy... our hotel was on West 79th, and everything I wanted to see from the movie was somewhere between West 71st and West 91st! How ideal... :)

  12. Ohmygoodness!! This is so amazing! x) I'm a HUGE fan of You've Got Mail and through this post I was just screaming noiselessly.
    I'm so insanely jealous and happy that you thought of doing this. Everything's so similaarr!!!
    Ok, ha..I'm not usually so hyper, but as I said I'm a huge fan.

    1. I'm not usually especially hyper either, but I was giddy with excitement the entire time, believe me! I love that movie, oh-so-much, and to see it all in real-life was just so, so fabulous!

  13. We are going to NYC for our very first time. I am very sentimental about this movie, too, and wanted to also see all these places! Are these spots within walking distance off each other? I am so excited!


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