
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The best thing about blogging

I can't believe I missed my blog's 5th birthday! It was on Monday, and I was busy doing our taxes & cleaning out closets & focusing on getting a million things done, and before I knew it, April 16th was over. It was a good, productive day. But there really should have been cake. Because what's a birthday without cake, right? Cake and friends.

Cakes at Magnolia Bakery, Grand Central Station, NYC

I love this little blog. It's become a pretty huge part of my life over the years. It's been a place for me to document my hopes and fears, and thousands of photos of the goings-on of my little family. I love to write and take photos and share all the awesome things I've found online, and to get feedback about the things I've written. But the best part about having a blog is all the amazing friends I have made. I got to spend some time with a few of them on my recent trip to New York City, and I couldn't have been more excited...

The Sunday of our stay in NYC was all about the blog friends! Sunday morning, I headed out to Alice's Tea Cup on the Upper West Side to meet up with my lovely friends, Brandi {who came to visit me in Victoria last July}, and Kayla {whose blog, Exquisite Banana, is a daily-read and one of my very favourites}. We had a delicious brunch and spent several hours talking about pretty much everything over many, many cups of tea, just like old friends. It was perfect.

 I had the breakfast tea... and oh boy! was it ever good!

 Kayla, who is every bit as charming in person as she is on her blog

 Bloggers who brunch

After brunch, Brandi and I hit up a flea market and wandered around a bit, and then made a promise to meet up again soon, maybe on the West Coast next time? I headed for Central Park to meet my mom and Amanda for a horse-drawn carriage tour {yep, we were full-on tourists, and it was so much fun!} When our ride was over, I finally got to meet another dear blogging friend of mine. Karina lives just a few blocks from the hotel where we stayed, and we kept missing each other on our regular trips to Zabar's Deli and the Starbucks at 81st and Broadway, despite being on the lookout for one another constantly! So it was especially exciting when we finally met at Columbus Circle. She brought her adorable son Miguelito along and we all went out for a fantastic Mexican lunch.

 Kary and me at Chipotle, with matching smiles

 Me & Miguelito near Columbus Circle- isn't he a cutie?

I can't say enough good things about Karina. She is just about the nicest person I have ever met, and I can't wait to see her again one day {and New York City! oh, how I miss it...} We had a lovely lunch and lots of fun, and she sent us off in the direction of the Plaza Hotel later in the afternoon {more on that in another post}. We spent the next morning together as well, when she met my mom, sister and I for breakfast, midway between our hotel and her apartment. I still can't get over how close we were to each other! In a city that huge, what are the chances? We didn't have much time, as it was the day we were flying home, but we had a lovely visit over breakfast, and then she took us for a walk to Riverside Park, brought gifts for all of three of us {and for my boys and Amanda's!}, and treated us to cupcakes from Baked by Melissa. She also showed us the gym where Matt Damon works out {alas, despite our best efforts, we didn't actually get to see him...} Thank you, Kary!

A really big breakfast at Sarabeth's on Amsterdam Avenue, before a really long flight home

And thank you, Pughs' News, for filling my life with so many fabulous new friends whom I adore! 

I miss you, girls. Let's do it again soon, shall we?


  1. Congrats on five years! I hope there's many more. :) It's great to find a wonderful place to relax and let out your thoughts.

  2. looks like such fun, and i def need to go to Alice's Tea Cup when we go!!!

  3. I'm up for a visit anytime! Maybe we should meet in Paris next?

    But really, I'm so so happy I got to see you while you were in NYC. That made my day.

    1. Ooh, Paris. I like the sound of that!

      So glad I got to see you, too! Twice in one year :)


  4. awww, happy blogiversary! i'm sad we didn't meet while you were here. but that only means you need to come back soon!

    1. Me too, Sheba. I wish we'd had more time. Knowing you were just across the bridge made me so sad! Next time, for sure...

  5. Yep, it's pretty nice to meet blogger friends in real life!! ;)

    And Magnolia Bakery??!?! .... You're killing me. Jealous.

    1. I like it when blog friends become IRL friends, don't you, Cass? :)

      Let's do another movie/Starbucks date soon...

  6. Thats so awesome you were able to see some blog friends! Especially for tea - how nice is that !
    And Happy birthday Pughs-news!
    Hugs K

    1. You'd have loved the tea place, Kel! We'll have to go together sometime...

      And next month, the White Heather for sure! Can't wait to see you.

  7. the other bloggers we meet are absolutely the best thing about blogging! :)
    i was able to get together with brandi while she was in L.A. last week. i just love that girl!
    oh! and a very happy (belated) blog birthday!!

    1. I love Brandi. We had a lot of fun together last summer, and this time in NYC was just fabulous. How great is she to drive 4+ hours from DC to have brunch with me? SO great :)

  8. Happy 5yr Blogversary!! Wishing you many more years of blogging :)

    It was SO much fun to have finally "met" you and hang out with you! Erin, you are such a sweetheart and a great friend! I really wish we lived closer so that we could have breakfast, or coffee at Starbucks and so we could stalk celebrities together :) I think we would get into trouble - Ha!

    Blogging is such a blessing. I've met some special girls who mean the world to me and who've become my closest friends,including you!!!

    Miss you lots my sweet friend and hope to see you again someday soon, whether it's in NYC or in Victoria :)


    1. "Matt!!!! Maaaaaaatttttt!!!" Hee hee. That was so much fun.

      You're a kindred spirit, Kary. I'm glad to call you my friend :)

      Just let me know when you and Miguelito are coming to visit. I'll find a spot for you somewhere in our little house, and I'll even book our whale-watching tickets! ;~)

      Let's skype SOON!


  9. Happy blog birthday! You girls are adorable - Kayla is one of my favorite bloggers out there. Sounds like an amazing time meeting up over delicious food!

    1. Darling friends and delicious food... you really can't go wrong!

      Kayla is one of my favourites too. Her blog just sings "springtime!" to me.

  10. oh E, this post made me so HAPPY for so many reasons. i adore bloggers who brunch, and you three are an adorable bunch indeed! what a perfect place to go to together. I love that you and Brandi got to meet up again.

    i always say friendships like these are the truest gift from blogging. Karina is DEF. one of those. She makes you feel like you've known her your whole life and you can tell her anything. She truly felt like my sister and having Miguelito around was a bonus. i can still smile thinking of walking hand in hand with both of them on the streets of NYC. It was magical! and i just knew you two would love each other.

    next time you go to NYC, i must plan to visit again too. The three of us (okay four-- i can't go anywhere without my twinkie! ;) on the streets of NYC... Matt Damon, watch out! lol ;)

    love this post and love you two girls xoxoxo

    1. Having you there would make it that much more fabulous, Micaela! One day... And yes, Matt Damon won't know what hit him! ;~)


  11. Meeting you was such a treat! Almost as much so as those eggs :)

  12. happiest birthday to your blog! i enjoy reading it and am so happy to hear how much joy it has brought to your life!

  13. Happy birthday, Pughs' News! You bring us so much joy! I used to have cooking blog (no time to keep it up now), and I met wonderful friends here in Brazil and in Portugal through it. Isn't it amazing how the Internet can connect people who love the same things, yet live so far away from each other? I hope to be able to meet you some day too... Lots of love,


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