
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

E & me {light switch}

So, here in Canada, we've sprung ahead an hour and it's officially Daylight Savings time. Woot! I love Daylight Savings time! Oh sure, the mornings have been horrible around here the past few days {especially on Monday morning when the high winds knocked out the power, and we all woke up at 8:20 a.m., two hours later than usual!}, but the evenings have been lovely and light until half past seven, so it's all worth it. 

In France, they're waiting until the end of the month to change their clocks, which means Em and I are currently only 8 hours apart, instead of our usual 9. Makes it slightly easier to schedule our weekly phone/skype dates, and that's always a good thing, oui, Em?

Anyway, all that to say that the theme of this week's E & me is Light Switches. We need to turn ours on earlier in the morning on this side of the Atlantic, but can leave them off until later in the evening. A few weeks from now we'll be back in sync with France, but for the time being, that's just one more difference between chez nous and chez Em & François.

Can you guess whose light switch is whose?

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